The Fine Print


Title of Project:  The Dating Project 2011

You are being invited to voluntarily participate in the above-titled project. The purpose of the study is to gather information for the purposes of creating theatrical production written by Jennie Olson.

If you agree to participate, your participation will involve an interview about your dating experiences. The interview will take place a. in a location convenient for you or b. over the telephone or c. via email or skype and will last approximately thirty minutes. You may choose not to answer some or all of the questions. During the interview, written notes will be made in order to help the investigator review what is said and an audio recording device may be used as well. Your name will not appear on these notes.  Interview information will eventually be destroyed.

Any questions you have will be answered and you may withdraw from the interview at any time. There is no cost to you except for your time and you will not be compensated for your participation.

Only the Jennie Olson will have access to your name and the information that you provide. In order to maintain your confidentiality, your name will not be revealed in any subsequent play that arises from this project.

By participating in the interview, you are giving permission for Jennie Olson to use your information for play production and theatrical purposes.  By consenting to be interviewed, by either phone, in person or via the internet, you agree to hold the playwright, Jennie Olson, harmless and release any claims of authorship to this project.