Friday, October 14, 2011

Website Reviews

Yes, I spend a LOT of time reading blogs.  Some are better than others.  Some I choose to share for various reasons.  Here's a couple to check out:
It's funny, insightful and clever while remaining approachable.  It could be that he looks like a friend of mine? But seriously, Nando offers some spicy dish on dating, life, relationships and even some grooming advice, and yes, he has a book too.

Anatomy of a Pilot is the brainchild of a very good friend of mine, Kristina Meek.  What does this have to do with dating and relationships?  Nothing.  But it's a very good example of a blog with a niche and resourceful to those looking for insights into the formula and story that goes into writing a tv pilot.  And could save you some time in actually watching one, discovering that you really don't like it.  So in essence, you may not have to waste your time watching one of these shows and spend more time, perhaps, dating or doing something else.

Maneaters Blog sounds fierce, right?  It sounds like a ball-busting, man-hating, angry bunch of women who want nothing more than to chew men up and spit them back out or, well, hmm.  But there is more to this blog than an angry rant against men who have 'done you wrong'.  It's oriented towards women who want to stop "playing the victim and owning their love life."  Angela Jordan writes on topics such as learning to love yourself first, practicing some self honesty while mixing it up with some other how-to's on sex and dating and some of her own experiences. 

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